iantie's review

Finally, after 2 weeks of slow reading, I managed to finish the 3rd novel by Dhiya Zafira, Rindu Untuk Dia. I haven't miss any of Dhiya Zafira's novels and can be said that m always on the watch for any of her new released novels. With me finishing her 3rd novel, I think I can see what type of gender she's writing for her novels. Her first novel, Ku Damba Bahagia is a typical love story, like most of the novels outthere.
From her 2nd novel, Rindu Belum Berhenti, she's more to love + action + suspense type and the same gender is what she applied to her 3rd novel.Amie Naj'la, Jad Imran, Suraya, Zahim and Hani! The story evolved around these 5 people. Amie was supposed to be married to Jad when she was raped by her ex-fiance, Zahim. Being blackmailed by Zahim and his father to shut her mouth. Amie left to Spain and left Jad a week before their marriage.
Jad frustrated (sehabis-habisnya) and while he was 'taking a break' from all, he met Suraya. Suraya who was pregnant at tha time tempted to kill herself for getting pregnant out of wedlock. Jad sympthazied with her and married her instead!5 years later, Amie came back to Malaysia, met with Jad and involved in an accident which left Amie suffering from amnesia. I thought this would be the same as Damya Hanna's Ilham Hati but it's not! Haha! Suspense! But Amie did suffered from amnesia. She couldn't remember the last 5 years that had happened, thinking that she and Jad are getting married soon.
So Jad and Hani (Amie's bff) planned not to tell her the truth...yet! Until 1 day, Amie went to Jad's parents' home. To type the storyline all here would be impossible for me coz 1. m not a good writer, 2. it won't do justice to the novel and 3. it's a very good book, so as I kept on saying, you need to read it to enjoy it!.But basically, Zahim and his father found out Amie came back and they feel threatened. So they were trying their very best to 'get rid' of Amie. Eventhough it's filled with action and suspense but I couldn't help to stop my tears from flowing. Geeezzzz! Maybe I got so many tears to waste.
Haha! I have to say the writer know how to get the reader's emotion mixed (like me!). I'm proud of Suraya's character. She knows that Jad didn't love her; he married her just out of responsibilities and she willing to let Jad go and return to Amie. After all the twist and turn of the story, Jad kept her promised to Suraya to take care of her and to forget Amie. Somehow I kindda disappointed with Jad's decision coz the way I read between the lines, Jad's love is so strong to Amie and likewise! But things didn't as it seems. To know the end of the story? Haha! Well, let's just say that something happened and Jad is back with Amie. If you wanna know what had happened, read it! Haha! Cheers peeps!


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